When you choose to spend a few days relaxing in Romagna what you are mainly looking for is savor the numerous local recipes made from local products with traditional procedures.
At all times of the year you can choose to come and "refresh your palate" you can participate in food and wine fairs and festivals that present the typical dishes of the Romagna tradition.
There are many old recipes from the past that have been handed down by grandmothers and that today's women try to revive.
In Romagna cuisine you will find peasant characters alongside those of maritime culture, from pork to fish, to mushrooms, the variety is great.
Among the best known recipes are cappelletti, passatelli, roast chicken and piadina, all foods that vary in the final result from area to area in terms of size and cooking and sometimes variations in ingredients.
Other traditional dishes are la “tardura”, a soup of eggs, cheese and breadcrumbs, gnocchi, baked lasagne and macaroni, then again, stewed cockerel, boiled meat and fried meat.
The culture of soups is broad and the pastry is always homemade with flour and eggs, without water, various can be obtained from it types of pasta, such as tagliolini, quadrettini, maltagliati, cappelletti, ravioli and the very famous strozzapreti.
The myth of piada and cassoni it is at the pinnacle of local culinary art, which includes them paired with side dishes of all kinds, representing, unsurprisingly, Romagna bread.
THEthe primordial food, which is a mixture of flour, bicarbonate, lard and salt, with a little water. A dough to be worked with a rolling pin until a disc of puff pastry is created.
Piadina and cassoni served with raw ham, culatello, sausages and squacquerone are some examples of the most popular dish in Romagna.